Friday, May 1, 2015

Be Patient!

I swear nothing bad has happened to us!! My work schedule kind of exploded for the past several weeks, meaning that I had longer days... meaning that I was more exhausted and unwilling to sit in front of a computer when I finally did get home each night.  But I promise, I am back on the regular schedule now and will get you caught up on the last month's worth of baby shenanigans soon!  Bear with me and you will be rewarded!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Quick Funny Story

So, we all know that Ella is eating more bites from our dinners now.  She's even accepted a fairly large (for a baby, so like a teaspoon) amount of oatmeal on her own. Well, we went out to dinner for a family date last night, and Ella was getting treated with some of Daddy's salmon and baked potato.  This isn't as crazy as it sounds -- she's eaten potatoes before and loved them, and the pediatrician recommends fish for DHA / Omega3 / brain development stuff.  And, boy! Was she tearing into the salmon! She sure loved it!  This picture is a mild version of the scrunchy "give it to me!" faces that she was making as she tried to lunge up out of the carseat like a great white shark to attack John's fingers.  So funny!!! I nearly fell out of my seat laughing at one of her big lunges.  Such a cutie.  ^_^

Friday, February 27, 2015

Snow Baby

Well, folks, we are surviving the great snow-pocalypse of 2015.  We have made it through the past several days with minimal problems-- no power outages, no snow damage to the house, no running out of food, no car wrecks (knocks on wood to not jinx us).  With three separate waves of snow, the schools have obviously been closed a lot (I have worked from home for all but 2 days out of the last two weeks), so Ella and I have been spending a lot of quality time together.  :)
It's probably a good thing that I've been able to stay home with her, because she might have been a fussy mess at daycare.  She's starting her needy phase, I guess, because she sure doesn't want to be put down for any reason.  (I'm typing this as she is taking a nap. That's the only way I'm getting anything done that requires two hands!)  So I've been giving her lots of 1:1 time at home while we watch the snow fall.  Good baby snuggles all around.
We are very unsure about going on walks in the snow....
Another baby update -- we think she's working on some teeth budding (that also might explain why she doesn't want to be put down).  She's been drooling like a St Bernard and gnawing on everything, so we might be seeing a little tooth nubbin pop up soon! Crazy times!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Snow Adventures!

Well, it was the first official snow for Ella's first winter.  Admittedly, she was in kind of a fussy mood today, didn't really want to be put down at all, but we did go outside so she could romp in the snow.  Ella was really not sure about the brightness (she is her mother's little troglodyte after all) and she really didn't care about the snow. She did, however, scale a few mountains and touch the snow.  Maybe we'll have more snow-romping adventures next year when she's a little older.

Do you like our matching hats? Pretty cunning, dontchya think.  :)

Monday, February 16, 2015

All Better!

Yay! We have officially finished the course of antibiotics for the ear infections!!  So happy to have a healthy baby... well, a baby with no ear infections.  Ella still fighting the wintertime sniffles, just like her momma does every year, but at least there is no more infection / illness / serious yuckies to contend with.  Ella has been a little spoiled this last week because she has spent so much time over at grandma and grandpa's house while she is recuperating, but she hasn't turned rotten yet.  :)
Now that we have survived the changes to the routine that illness has brought, let's get ready for the winter weather!  Hopefully, schools will cancel for the snow so I can stay at home and not have to subject either of us to driving out there.  We made a quick run to the grocery store today before the snow started to accumulate (along with half of the city, I swear) and the roads were not bad on their own, but there was about 739 times as many cars out (what were they all doing??) and they were all scared of the snow. I am not exaggerating when I say that it took us 2hrs to go to the grocery store 3miles away from the house, and the time was equally dividing into going there, shopping, and getting home! Whew! Time to batten down the hatches, make a big pot of chili, and not come out until spring!!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Random Cuteness

I think there will be many posts like this -- where I don't really have a story to tell, but Ella is just being so darn cute that I can help myself but share her with you all.  This first picture here is from a few days ago where she was still coming down off the ear infection.  We were all just hanging out in the evening, but Ella was showing lots more energy than usual, so I was playing with her pretty vigorously.  After a few rolls and lots of conversation, I propped her up on my stomach (this way she can lean back and be supported by my thighs like a reclining chair) and was talking with her some more.  Well, apparently she was all tuckered out because after a little bit, she just started to lean forward until she was lying down on my stomach.  No fidgeting, no crying, just, "I'm tired, Mom. I think I'm going to lie down now." She's usually doesn't go into a nap / resting time calmly, so this was unexpected as well as adorable.
 On the other end of the spectrum from cute sleepy baby is cute playful baby!  By now, we have accepted the fact that Ella loves to pull the blanket over her face.  Put something in her hand and it either goes into her mouth or over her face; that's just the way it is.  Well, the other morning, I put her on the bed like usual so I could finish getting us ready for the day.  When I looked back, she had grabbed my quilt and pulled it over her with a look of "Eureka! I've hit the mother load!!"  She was having so much fun playing in the mega-blanket, laughing and kicking her little legs.  I don't know what she does under the blankets, but it's pretty crazy stuff.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Chowing Down

We have been testing lots of new foods on Ella, and she has been doing fairly well with the little bites.  She's tried oatmeal (as seen below), mashed potatoes, the insides of french fries (essentially more mashed potatoes), pudding, Texas toast, sweet potatoes, baked apples, ice cream... basically whatever we have at dinner that is soft. She seems to like the little nibbles and especially the french fries!
The doctor said that there's no rush to get her eating solid foods, but to just get her used to chewing and swallowing.  Ella is definitely getting better at swallowing solid foods as well as paying attention to what we are eating.  Tonight she was reaching out for our french fries like she couldn't get enough!  She has also reached out and grabbed my cups, knowing to put her mouth on the straw.
 Baby Girl knows what the table is for!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Poor Sick Baby

Well, we made it five months before the sickness came for the baby.  Ella has been fighting a cold (sniffles, cough, snot) since before Christmas, and it appeared to be winding down these last few weeks, but all of a sudden it came back with a vengeance! She woke up once on Wednesday night and three times Thursday, so I knew something was wrong with the little girl.  After the restless night Thursday, I got us a doctor's appointment Friday morning.... and yup! Double ear infection.  Poor little baby.  Her fever wasn't too high, so they just recommended Tylenol and a round of antibiotics and lots of rest.  
The upside to the baby not feeling so well is that Mommy gets lots of snuggles!! Tree frog snuggles!! I don't know how many times my arms have fallen asleep so far because I refuse to give up the snuggles. (She is SO much bigger now than when she last gave me tree frog snuggles!)
And everyone knows that books are medicinal, even when you fall asleep with them

Ella stayed a few days with Grandma instead of going to daycare to help her recuperate.  You can really tell that Ella was suffering with disease and fatigue while she was there. Spending all day with Grandma and Grandpa is really tough work....

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Sitting Tall Some More

 How is this baby not the cutest thing you have ever seen??  She is just so sweet!  We were having a lazy morning, just taking a slow breakfast, and I sat her on the bed while my hands were busy.  She just sat up (almost) all on her own and giggled away.  She really is getting stronger, much less wobbly.
 I also realized this morning that, yes, baby girl has now come out of the growth plateau.  The doctor said she has gained two pounds in the last month!! And some inches, too, as you can tell from the length of her pants.  Haha.  A lot of her outfits are properly fitting / getting a little snug now.  It's a little emotional for me because she hasn't really outgrown anything yet.  We bought most all of her clothes in larger sizes, so she has spent the last five months growing into her clothes rather than out of them.  (She still regularly wears the outfit we brought her home from the hospital in!)  However, as you can see from the little yellow bee outfit, we may need to start paying attention to what clothes still fit her and which don't.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Another Silly Montage

Grandma! That's not how we wear hats! You are so silly!!

It's jeans Friday! Everyone loves jeans Friday. 

I love baby pajamas that have decorations on the butt.  Why? I don't know, but you can't NOT smile when looking at a pink kitten butt.

Just chillin' after some breakfast, Mom. How are you?

... I *MIGHT* have pooped on both of us, Mom.  I don't really know what just happened.